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at 09:15, 18 Apr 2005
Posts: 2
The last couple of lines

Could anyone remind me how the last few lines of the film go? I need to send them to someone!
at 14:18, 19 Apr 2005
Posts: 1
the last few lines
The film ends on these lines

And, in the end, it simply isn't worth
Your while to try and clean your life away.
You can't. For, everything you do or say
Is there, forever. It leaves evidence.
In fact it's really only common sense;
There's no such thing as nothing, not at all.
It may be really very, very small
But it's still there. In fact I think I'd guess
That 'no' does not exist. There's only 'yes'.

The full screen play will be published and available June 1st. For more information follow the Screenplay link at the top of this page.

at 03:26, 20 Apr 2005
Posts: 2
Last few lines
Thankyou! I saw the film in Brixton the other day and have been enthusing about it to everyone. I want to send these lines to my sister, whose small son has mastered "yes" but is very disinclined to learn how to say no :-)
at 09:14, 6 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
no ;) or rather, yes.
hey kate, i found your email really interesting -- people often talk about a child's identity forming when they learn to say 'no', to push back against the world... perhaps growing up is relearning the process of saying 'yes' -- and feeling safe to do so?
they have such different sounds as rhyme words as well - 'nooooooooooooo' can be like a cry, or very curt, but either way it's a vowel (what used to be called a weak or feminine) rhyme, while 'yes' has its hissing or whispering 'ssssssssss' and fewer natural true rhymes. hmm.

what's the origin of 'yes', does anybody know? and are there other instances of english poetry that feature it as a dominant word?
at 16:44, 7 Jul 2005
Posts: 3
last few lines: "origin of yes"
The dictionary says that "yes" is Middle English from Old English "gEse."... There was a Rock band named "yes;" I'm sure that there are a lot of (romantic) poems encouraging one to say "yes," and others that encourage affirmation, hope, and/or positive thinking, but I can't think of any that are about the word "yes" itself. That is an interesting question.
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