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Forums  >  Film-making  >  Yes -- Praise after first viewing
Author Post
at 15:55, 15 Aug 2005
Posts: 1
Yes -- Praise after first viewing
Yes is one of the most profound films I've seen. The synthesis of sense in the visual, language, music pieces of this art is stunning. I wept at the affirmation of hope at the film's end and especially liked the return to the framed shot of the original maid as she sees, chooses to close her eyes, opens them again. This is what the messiness of life asks us to do -- see and see again.

Was the language in iambic pentameter. The rhymes were lovely and the poetry of the speech gave full complexity to a number of the thoughts being expressed by She and He.

Will this/is this available on DVD? Any chance the script will be published and available for sale. Not only would I like to look more carefully at it, but I really need something I can put into the hands of friends in the Art Department. Why aren't we teaching this and The Tango Lesson?
sally potter
at 01:12, 16 Aug 2005
Posts: 193
YES will be available on DVD in November in the US and January in the UK.
The screenplay (with notes, a long Q and A and contributions from John Berger and Pankaj Mishra) is published by Newmarket Press and is available now. Please click on SCREENPLAY at the top of this page for details.
The dialogue is mostly written in iambic pentameter but some passages are 8 syllables a line and there are some moments which obey neither rule. The rhyme is amost invariably present, but sometimes is not 'hearable' as it drops into the middle of a spoken phrase, even though , on the page, it is at the end of a line.
You are the first person to comment on the cleaner's looks to camera at the very end, once the credits have started and the action is 'over'. Thank you for your comments about this. Another reason for her looks there is to encourage people to stay and read the 'smaller' credits, the long list of names of invisible ones, like the cleaner herself, whose labour makes it all possible.
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