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Forums  >  Film-making  >  Dear Sally
Author Post
at 07:58, 6 Mar 2006
Posts: 3
Dear Sally
My name is Paisley Randell.

I have recently just watched your beautiful film Orlando. It inspired me, and I recommended it to so many of my friends. I loved the fact that you displayed your feministic ideas in the film without forcing a pessimistic idea of men, but merely conveying a sense of equality that was really easy to understand. Also, the imagery was unique and beautiful.

I'd really love to be able to discuss your views on feminism in film production. I myself am completely dedicated to image, and it would be awesome to talk to you. Unfortunately I also have a film and media project that I am forced to complete, and after watching Orlando, was optimistic that I could actually involve myself in a college project, even though I find them so box-like. Wouldn’t it be more fun if students in film were able to create their own development of work? I suppose I may not learn any of the rules that way (but maybe that isn't necessarily a bad thing).

I've looked at a few of these posts, so I think I’m supposed to leave my email address? Thanks for reading. I hope that I'll be able to email you at some point.

Many thanks
sally potter
at 14:41, 7 Mar 2006
Posts: 193
hello Paisley
The best thing is if you post any questions here on the site. That way other people can also benefit from any discussion, and can join in themselves.
I am glad that you enjoyed Orlando.
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