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Forums  >  Film-making  >  Je ne sais pas, une révélation?
Author Post
at 15:34, 9 Jun 2006
Posts: 2
Je ne sais pas, une révélation?
Je ne sais pas, une révélation?
...and I am still crying...
Ricks has gone to bed. I can hear him breathe. I makes me feel safe but at the same time I long for days gone by, days in Argentina, but also days in Chile, where there is no dance like tango for them to express the horror of 30 years ago.
I was hurting for them, I really was. Them? No one was willing to discuss it and it made me hurt even more. Funny, that. Is it a Jewish thing? It has been said that we have a propensity to feel others' pain.
Tango scared me I must say, when I first saw it. I blushed. First of all it was intensely sexual, then I watched and watched and I began to understand and feel a lot more things. A bit like maturing ten years in a couple of weeks. I went back home and everything felt insipid.
Through funny circumstances I find myself living in London. Chile is so strongly in my heart and I simply do not find things, places, people who fill it in that way, who fill it as South Americans did. When I feel empty, I always have this treasure. But I do feel empty.
But your film, tonight...Why hadn't I come across this before? Was it not the right time? And what am I supposed to do with it now?
Your film scared me as did tango. But then, but then...
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