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Author Post
at 09:14, 27 Jun 2005
Posts: 2

Thank you for directing me to the website. It is really a wonderful forum.

One question that I don't believe was brought up on the site so far is, have you had any thoughts or wants of turning this film into a play? As I read the script, I find myself seeing it beyond the screen and as a wonderful medium for the stage.


Ashley Van Buren

at 14:07, 27 Jun 2005
Posts: 0
Yes. I have thought about it. It is a paradox, somehow, as usually the adaptation goes the other way, from stage to screen. However, apart from anything else, it would offer the opportunity to re-integrate some of the deleted sections which were redundant on film.
I need to breathe a bit before I dive back into the material....

Thanks for the question.
at 09:34, 6 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
screen to stage
having seen rufus norris' production of 'festen' (from Thomas Vinterberg's film, also known as 'The Celebration') on stage in london, i think that a theatre transfer of YES would be a brilliant idea, especially because it has so much movement and music in it. and because the language is so amazing -- dense dramatic language leaves lots of space for directors' and actors' imagination.
hmm - the difference between 'festen' and YES is that festen all happens pretty much in one space for most of the action (on stage, anyway) while YES takes in the whole world -- but then so does Shakespeare's Pericles, which even has scenes in the Arctic and at sea.
Orlando would also be a wonderful stage production -- do you know if there have been any (either from the book or the film). Angela Carter wrote a libretto, which is very witty, but I don't think it was ever performed.
sally potter
at 09:48, 15 Jul 2005
Posts: 193
Space and time
Imaginative space on the stage has no limits. Travel through space and time is not a problem for a good director and designer and can be achieved with very minimal means. It is going to be an interesting experience making an adaptation.
As for Orlando, Robert Wilson did a production, though I never saw it.
I also have some plans…
at 20:55, 26 Jul 2005
Posts: 2
Space, Time, and Thought

I can almost hear your wheels turning as your last response trailed off. I wonder if you will keep us informed of ideas or plans you may have in bringing any material to the stage? I can imagine your words and direction taking an incredible journey through live theatre...and what a thrill it would be --for both actors and audience alike-- to discover a new thread of meaning with each performance. I feel as if your films capture the tension, energy, precision, and magic, of a play --it's amazing how you've managed to contain it to a 35mm format for so long!

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