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Author Post
at 09:12, 10 May 2005
Posts: 2
Audience response?
What has been the response of the audiences you have shown the film to so far?
sally potter
at 06:59, 13 May 2005
Posts: 193
the audience response has been amazingly consistent in different countries and across widely differing social groups. people usually laugh in the same places, and cry in the same places too. But depending on the background of the individual, the film seems to have a different meaning or significance, or even a different central character. i have been very touched by the beautifully open emotional response of young and old, male and female audience members and their courage in sharing their reactions with me. I have also been vindicated in my feeling that audiences are brave, intelligent, and super-quick.....not at all the conservative risk-averse people that many financiers seem to think are out there.
I think it is us, the filmmakers, who are often too slow, too timid. Audiences consist of hungry, complex and gorgeous individuals, and it is an honour to meet them.
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