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Mike Newman
at 00:45, 14 May 2005
Posts: 3
Question about God
Sally, howdy. I was wondering if your intentions were to be ambiguous about what you were trying to say about God?

I know it's nearly impossible for the writer to be totally objective when writing about subjects such as God, because everyone has an opinion, yet I found it hard to see what your true stance was on the subject. Perhaps I am wrong, but I got the impression that YES was a very personal story for yourself and something that came from your heart.

at 05:36, 14 May 2005
Posts: 0
I wasn't really trying to say something about God but to ask many questions about the nature of belief. As a writer i must speak through the characters - or rather, let them speak for themselves - and therefore must try to be true to their imagined experience. Each of the characters is searching for a way of understanding the world and each is finding clues in different forms....religion, science, communism, sexuality, love. And where the very small (dust, microbes, sperm) meets the very large (nations, war, death) come abstractions to satisfy a yearning for explanation for such hugely varied forms of existence and interaction. Rational argument does not always satisfy this need, words seem too approximate to begin to address the mysteries of where we came from and where we are going once our brief, precious lives come to an end. And so comes the leap known as faith. And woven into the edifice of faith are the structures of ethics and morality: guidelines for how to live whilst we are here.

As for your other question, every film I make is personal, but not necessarily autobiographical. I try to listen to the secret voices of others who are not like me: male, female, young, old, from other cultures and maybe other times. In the search for emotional authenticity, however, I research not only the lives and works of others; but also try to verify how they might feel by stumbling about in the laboratory of my own existence. In other words, as you rightly suggest, I look into my heart.
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